ComplianceAid in association with the University of the Virgin Islands Institute for Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness (ILOE) will host a one day AML/CFT seminar tailored to the Caribbean on February 4, 2019 at the University of the Virgin Islands Administration and Conference Center on the St. Thomas Campus. This seminar will provide practical guidance to assist in safeguarding your institution with proper Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) and Financial Crimes Prevention (FCP) measures.
Do you know that a number of ISIS fighters originate from the Caribbean basin? During the seminar we will discuss the threat of terrorism in the Caribbean and provide guidance to assist your institution in meeting its obligations under CFT. Additionally, regulators have been emphasizing the importance of Know your Customer (KYC)/Customer Due Diligence (CDD) and Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD), but some institutions have failed in achieving that goal. In this seminar, through the use of case studies, scenarios and role play, participants will learn how to conduct KYC/CDD, ask the right questions about the ultimate beneficiary of the funds, uncover politically exposed persons and undertake effective enhanced due diligence measures.
At the end of this one day seminar participants will have learned how to:
Topics to be covered during the one day seminar:
This seminar is ideal for Reporting Officers, Compliance Officers, Government Regulators, Law Enforcement Officers, Internal & External Auditors, Risk Management Specialists, Attorneys, Accountants, Bankers, Credit Unions Compliance Specialist, Casinos, Insurance Compliance Specialist, as well as any AML Regulated Entity.
FACILITATOR: Ms. Michelle Martin, President, ComplianceAid, & AMLFC Institute
Ms. Michelle Martin is President, CEO ComplianceAid, AMLFC Institute & She possesses over twenty-three years of experience in banking, insurance, regulatory compliance, public and private accounting. She is a Certified Anti-Money Laundering & Financial Crimes Prevention Professional (CAMLFC) and Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (CAMS).
ComplianceAid is an international consulting firm specializing in Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) and Financial Crimes Prevention (FCP). The firm offers Advisory & Intelligence Services, Training Programs and Solutions. It's clients are located in thirty-five (35) countries and territories located across the Americas including the United States. Their sizes range from Micro businesses to Fortune 500 Corporations and are active in over thirty (30) regulated industries.ComplianceAid services have also been retained by regulators, central banks and governments. For more information visit:
The University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) is a public, co-ed, land-grant HBCU in the United States Virgin Islands (USVI). UVI brings to bear numerous subject matter experts who excel in business, management, finance, science, mathematics, modeling, statistics, education and research. UVI is a forward thinking, innovative, entrepreneurially minded university that is committed to providing excellent, quality service to students, clients, and partners. The Institute for Leadership & Organizational Effectiveness (ILOE) supports cutting edge research, exchange of knowledge, experiential learning, and development of leadership worldwide through an integrated set of educational offerings including strategic planning, strategic doing, economic and financial studies, business development consultancies, and creative leadership programs. For more information visit:
Contact Information
Institute for Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness
Office of the President
University of the Virgin Islands
#2 Brewers Bay
St. Thomas, V.I. 00802
(340) 693-1471 (O)
(340) 693-1005 (F)